VAMK's president Tauno Kekäle and principal lecturer (Physics) Seppo Mäkinen visited the European particle acceleration centre Cern, together with a delegetion from Vaasa region. The visit took place in September 13th, and the day was full of high-quality program and meetings with interesting people.
- VAMK's goal is to achieve a contract, which makes it possible for our students to make their practical training or thesis for Cern, as well as receive summer job from there, says Tauno Kekäle.
VAMK's president Tauno Kekäle, the rector of the University of Vaasa Jari Kuusisto and the Accelerator and Technology Manager Frédérick Bordry.
The Spokesman of the MoEDAL collaboration, professor James Pinfold, explains the objectives of the experiment, about 100 m above the experimental facility.
The goal of the delegation was two-fold: on the one hand, it tried to create concrete business connections between technology companies in our region and Cern, and on the other hand, it looked for ways to enable short-term working at Cern for the students of the University of Vaasa, VAMK, Novia and Vamia. There is a huge potential for both of these goals: the massive updating of Cern's largest particle accelerator, the LHC (Large Hardon Collider) yields great opportunities for business between the technology companies of our region and Cern.
- In addition to this, the thousands of students of our educational institutions can obtain an interesting, international and probably life-changing experience from Cern, says Seppo Mäkinen
United Front
The members of the delegation received good news during the visit: Cern's administration had accepted Vaasa consortium as an official member of the MoEDAL experiment. The measurements of the experiment will be carried out after the updating of the LHC ring are done.
- The official status of our consortium gives great opportunities for the companies of our region, when they offer Cern the components needed in the updating process, tells president Kekäle.
The composition of the delegation represented the Vaasa Model at its best. The rector of the University of Vaasa, the president of VAMK, the rector of Vamia, the development and innovation manager of Vaasa, the research manager of Novia and representatives of the local industry, all in a united front working for the region of Vaasa!
Vaasa delegation of 13 happy persons at Cern. In the background, a photograph taken in the 27 km long tunnel of the LHC ring.
Text: Principal Lecturer Seppo Mäkinen
Photographs: Seppo Mäkinen and Cern