
The Winners of the Qt Programming Contest are known

Julkaistu 2011-01-21 09:35:18 EET.

The winner of VAMK’s first Qt programming contest is Lawal Olufowobi with his project titled “WinhaProject”. It is an application which gets information needed by students on a regular basis, such as email, grades and calendar in a simple, easy format. Using this application, students don't need to log on to different sites; instead all the information needed is available within one program.

The runner up is Marek Krajewski with his project titled "QuickDict". After starting, the application loads into the task-bar and waits for a change in system clipboard. After that a pop up window appears with Google and Dictionary.com translation of the clipboard content. The translated word/sentence is automatically saved in a “recently translated” list. The pop up translation can be disabled through the tray-Icon context menu.

The judges evaluated each project based on creativity, relevance, code quality and functionality. The contest was intended for a third year IT student (English or Finnish line) or an Erasmus exchange student in the IT department.

Qt makes it easy to add and interact with web content in your C++ applications. This can be done through web services (e.g., SOAP) or even embed parts of a web site using QtWebKit. Participants’ application should made use of these capabilities in order to enhance and simplify its usability.

The programming contest was sponsored by: http://www.genesi-usa.com/
Previous news: http://www.puv.fi/en/news/put_your_it_creativity_to_test-join_vamk-s_qt_programming_contest/