
Duty and office's opening hours

There is no duty at Wolffintie on weeks 41 and 42. We will be there next time on Monday 24th October at 11-13.00.
Vamok's office is closed during the autumn vacation at week 42.

Attention, Vamok's members!

Did you know that you have the possibility to influence on what Vamok does and what services it will offer for its members? The student representatives of the student union, 20 persons, use the highest authority in student union, and decide among other things the amount of membership fee for each year. The student representatives also supervise the actions of the board, and make sure that the actions correspond to members' needs.

If you are interested, and want to make an influence, become a member for the election of the student representatives. Each member of Vamok is allowed to become a candidate, and each member is allowed to vote. Please notice that according to the student unions regulations, the language of the student union and therefore the language of the meetings is finnish.

The election of the student representatives is held on November 15th and 16th 2005. If you want to become as a candidate, you will receive the needed document from Vamok's office or duty from October 10th onwards, or you may print it from Vamok's web-pages. The document must be returned to the same places November 4th 2005 at the latest.

GM presents Vamok video awards

Vamok video awards at Giggling Marlin on wednesday 12.10.2005 Beginning att 22.00.
- On advance 2€
- From the door 3€
Dresscode Suit/Evening dress
More information: http://www.vamok.fi/toiminta/tapahtumakalenteri.php?&language=en or projekti@vamok.fi

Cheaper ticket to Sport's match with overalls

Vaasa Sport offers for Vamok's members ticket to Sport-Jokipojat icehockey match on Tuesday October 11th with the price of 5 € in case you are wearing Vamok's overalls. The match starts at 18.30 o'clock. Come and spur on Sport to win!