
Learn IT by Doing with VAMK´s Industrial Innovation Academy

Julkaistu 2016-01-19 13:31:23 EET.

Industrial Innovation Academy (I2A) is a part of VAMK and is a playground for Information Technology engineering students. Here both Finnish- and English-speaking students are given opportunity to work with real-life problems given by industrial agents and other customers of VAMK.

I2A is a for-the-student, by-the student organization that links student to one another and also to real businesses.

- The goal is to create an environment where students can develop better professional skills and work on real projects as well as develop own innovative ideas for the industry, tells Principal Lecturer Smail Menani.

I2A includes several workshops which focus on projects related to Software Engineering, Energy ICT Systems, Robotics and Telecommunication. All workshops are located in Technobotnia Research Center.

Goals and Ideas into a Reality

Student Apurva Ganoo is Senior Partner in Managerial Capacity of the I2A, which have over 25 members at the moment.  

- For me, the I2A has not only been able to fuel my studies with a variety of projects varying from Web Development to Electronics, but also my passion for business and management as I have the tasks of running this group on a daily basis, says Apurva.

At the I2A, all ideas that the members come up with are discussed in a positive and constructive way, meaning that if they have the ability of creating SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time Oriented) goals and ideas, they will be able to make them into a reality.

- However, the greatest benefit of such an environment is the ability to "learn by doing". This means that what we are studying, or are interested in, can be put into use on real-life cases and projects, says Apurva.


Our team members have been recruited by many organisations and companies, says Apurva Ganoo.

Text: Eva Sundell
Photo: Eliina Salmela