Do you want to learn how to navigate the flows of international trade with confidence?
Strong foundation
You will gain knowledge of international marketing, foreign trade and international management.
Hands-on experience
You will acquire skills in modern ways of doing business through diverse teaching methods and company projects.
Multicultural know-how
You will learn to operate in a multicultural environment through an international college campus and study periods abroad.
International Business students Khin and Ahmad tell about their own studies in the video.
Is International Business for you?
Together with the international students, the degree programme in International Business is the perfect way for you to gain higher education, excellent English skills and cultural experience.
Are you interested in studying next to the largest energy technology cluster of Northern Europe?
Teachers and lecturers with international experience are professionals in their field. They use varying teaching methods and give personal guidance to students. Besides the student exchange and practical training abroad, you also have the possibility to study a Double Degree in one of our partner universities in Germany or Poland.
- International Business studies give you a broad knowledge of
- International Marketing
- Export and Import Management and
- Strategic Logistics Management
- Entrepreneurship
- Accounting
In our Double Degree programme you study at two universities and graduate from both.
Let´s get practical!
The studies consist of active problem-based individual and teamwork learning tasks dealing with marketing, management and foreign trade issues. Co-operation with the industry provides authentic work-related cases that are integrated into the studies in form of various learning assignments and projects.
A three-month stay in a foreign country according to the student’s choice is included in the programme, either in the form of studies or work placement. This gives the students the opportunity to improve their language skills and at the same time they will get a more profound knowledge of different business and cultural environments.
We continuously review and update our programs to ensure they remain up-to-date and aligned with the needs of working life. We reserve the right to make changes.
Future Professions
Due to extensive studies in International Business you´ll get interesting work possibilities all over the world.
Your possible future profession might be in:
- Marketing Specialist
- Logistics Coordinator
- Forwarding and Customs
- Supply Chain Management
- Transportation planner
- Business and process development
Practical training in the region’s companies as well as in the school’s modern premises prepare you for working life.
Apply for Degree Programmes
Explore additional information about the dergree, admission criteria and eligibility requirements from Studyinfo. The application process for student admission also takes place on the
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