Social media marketing & e-Business

The contents of this course include the principles and practices of Social Media Marketing and e-business. After completing this course, you will be able to understand the major social media platforms, how they function, and what role they play in marketing.

You learn how to develop effective social media marketing strategies for various types of businesses. Use social media platforms to influence consumers and promote a company, brand, product, service. Understand the importance and role of e-Business in commerce.

The course is in English. You need a Finnish social security number to participate in the course.




After completing this course, you will be able to know

  • What is Social Media Marketing
  • Why is Social Media Marketing important and how can we use it effectively
  • What is e-Business and its role in modern marketplace
Arvot asiakaslähtöisyys

Target group

  • Everyone but primarily for students with a multidisciplinary degree


The contents of this course include the principles and practices of Social Media Marketing and e-business:

  • The course introduces the various platforms of social media as marketing tools.
  • The course discusses the benefits and advantages of using social media for marketing purposes as well as real-life examples and business cases of the effective use and application of social media marketing.
  • How do you integrate social media marketing with e-business.

Mode of Teaching and Methods

  • Live online lectures with real-time monitoring (It is not mandatory to attend)
  • Recorded online lectures for viewing
  • Self-study learning materials
  • Independently completed assignments
  • Teamwork during exercises
  • Exercises to be completed independently
  • Teamwork on exercises
  • Group projects

Study Material

  • Material available online (articles, works), Multimedia (video, podcast)
  • Material provided by the lecturer


Grading scale: Fail or pass (students can request numerical grades)

  • Essay 10%
  • Certifications 20%
  • Learning diary and quizzes 40 %
  • Group work 30 %

Schedule and Location

  • Course starts mid February 2025 and it is a non-stop online course

More information about the course

Lukumanu Iddrisu

Sivutoiminen tuntiopettaja

Liiketalous | Liiketalous

Lukumanu Iddrisu is a project manager and part time lecturer. He has an educational background in international business and strategic business development. Lukumanu has taught social media marketing & e-business and currently teaches sales management at VAMK.

We reserve the right to make changes.

If you have any questions about student IDs, fees, or cancellation terms, please contact

Social media marketing & e-Business


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