Rgb check väri


  • Learn how server side applications are made, and interact with a database.
Rgb henkilö väri

Target Group

  • Everyone who is motivated and interested in improving his/her course related skills 
  • Prerequisite Skills: Basics of data processing, Basics of programming 

Learning objectives

After completion of this course you will be able

  • handle the fundamentals of PHP programming and especially techniques to write dynamice and feature rich Web applications
  • learn how server side applications are made, and interact with a database 


  • Basics of PHP scripting language 
  • Form handling 
  • File handling 
  • Communication with MySQL database 

Teaching Mode and Methods

Teaching is based on problem based learning methodology. Students study the course material, which consists of theory and practical examples, and then try to solve the problems in the weekly assignments and return them before the specified deadline. In the course student will try to develop an application, which has specified features and the final application will be evaluated. 

Study Material

Course material will be in Moodle.


Assessment is made based on the evaluation of the final course application. Final course grade will be calculated based on the achieved points from the course final application as follows: 

  • 5 > 90% 
  • 4 80% – 90% 
  • 3 70% – 80% 
  • 2 60% – 70% 
  • 1 50% – 60% 
  • 0 < 50% 

Schedule and Location

Weekly evening lectures over Zoom. 

Further Information

Johan Dams


Tekniikka | Tietotekniikka | +358 207 663 627