General Examinations and Retakings

General Examinations and Retakings

The performance of a study period can be retaken the maximum of two times, within a one year,  from the ending date of study unit implementation marked  in Peppi.  The student has a right to raise a passed grade once within one year from the ending date of study unit implementation marked in Peppi. The teacher of the study unit decides how the raising is to take place. Failing to raise the grade does not lower the original grade.

If the assessment is based on a such completion method that it cannot be repeated in regards of assessment method (for example pair or group exam, major project assignment), student cannot raise the course grade.

If student has not passed the course despite of retakes, or the implementation has ended more than 1 year ago, student must enroll in study unit implementation again.

In social-and healthcare field, Head of Education and Research or Study Counsellor, can admit additional retake for justified reasons in situation that enrolling into to course implementation would slow down the completion of practical training is social and healthcare field.

Students must follow the given retake dates. Teachers are not obliged to arrange other retaking exams outside these dates.

Retakes, Business Economics

The students will enroll for the retake in PAKKI. Enrollment will be closed seven (7) days before the retake. It is impossible to enroll after this. Enrolling by e-mail or telephone is not possible.

The retakes are organized on Mondays and the retake last for 3 x 45 minutes. The handing out of the exam papers begins at 12.30. The retakes take place in the Festival Hall A2046 (Wolffintie 30) if not otherwise instructed.

ATTENTION! You can do only two retakes at the same time. The student will take care that she/he will receive both of the exams before the retake starts.

Choose a correct retake date and enroll for the retake in PAKKI. NB! Last enrolment day!

Retakes, School of Technology

Retake Events

Retakes are arranged on Tuesdays at 17:15-19:30 in the Main Hall A2046.

You must register for the retake no later than one week before the retake date in PAKKI!




General information about exams

Arranging examination

General examinations and retaking exams pertain to the primary performance of the study period are arranged during the actual study period as a rule. The departments draw up a separate exam succession schedule. The Cardinal rule at drawing out the schedule is one exam per day. The first retaking exams are arranged in the period following the actual study performance period and the second retaking exam is at the beginning of the period following. When the date and time for the retake examination is chosen an attempt is made to provide all interested candidates for retaking exams an opportunity to participate.

The place of examinations and exams must be announced at least two weeks before the examination opportunity.


The main rule for participation is that the student has registered as a student for the study period concerned. For retaking exams, moreover, registration must be entered separately according to the way announced by the branch unit no later than a week in advance (in social services and health 9 days before) the due date for the retaking exam. The registration is binding. A student registered for retaking the exam and neglecting to make use of the opportunity provided is considered as a student has participated.

In the examination circumstances, the supervisors have the right to remove from the examination any person not observing the instructions given. The student must have available the identification card with a picture. The students are allowed to bring into the examination occasion only writing tools, an eraser, drawing equipment and a calculator, the working memory of which can be deleted and must be deleted at the beginning of the examination or retaking exam.

Over clothes must be left outside the examination room. Bags including valuables (N.B., mobiles switched off) can be left at the front or back of the examination room. Use of a dictionary and use of any unchecked table books is forbidden. Required paper and supplementary materials are delivered by the examination invigilator, to be opened according to the instructions given by the invigilator.

After the examination occasion, all the materials handed at the examination must be returned. Conversation or other communication between the participants in the examination occasion is during the examination strictly forbidden. The person attempting fraud is removed immediately from the examination occasion and the student’s entire performance is rejected and canceled.

Assignments and seminar work

Tasks and assignments in writing, along with seminar work and similar performance are comparable to general examinations. Submission of an assignment or piece of work by due date corresponds to primary performance in the study period. The extended date for the submission of the work corresponds to the first retake, etc. The students must be notified of the time and date for handing the tasks in writing no later than two weeks prior to the submission deadline.

Exam Service and Enrollments in Peppi (not Exam-examinations)

Exam Service in Peppi, Student Guide 

  • Enroll for a retake exam in your own course
    • Open your Study Plan (PSP) and select Exams (Tentit).
    • The exams for the courses you are registered for and whose exam enrollment is open will appear.
    • Click the “Enroll” button for the exam you want.
    • Select the campus and, if necessary, provide additional information that will be visible to the course teacher and exam supervisors. In the additional information, you can mention, for example, if you have a dyslexia card or any other certificate that entitles you to special arrangements.
    • Click the “Enroll” button, and your registration will be saved in the system.
    • You can cancel your exam enrollment by clicking “Cancel” at the end of the exam row.
    • The classroom will become visible after the enrollment period has ended and the seating arrangements have been made. Retake exams for Business and Engineering are mainly held at Wolffintie 30, in the A2046 Festival Hall, and retake exams for Social and Health Sciences are held at Alere, in Florence auditorium.
  • Enroll for a retake exam in a course other than your own 
    • Enrollment is only possible if the teacher has allowed students who are not registered for that course to register for the retake exam.
    • From the top menu on the page, select “PSP” → “Exams” → “All exams”
    • Search for the desired exam using the search criteria and enroll as described above.
    • You can cancel your exam enrollment by clicking “Cancel” at the end of the exam row.