Research and Development

Together we make the region a vibrant place

Our location at the heart Energy Vaasa, the Nordic hub for energy technology, gives us a leading position to meet the challenges of the changing world. We listen carefully to the business world and its needs. Our multidisciplinary research and development work combines our expertise in Engineering, Business, Social and Health sciences and Design to provide a multidisciplinary response to society’s complex problems.

Vaasa University of Applied Sciences continuously strengthens and expands its research, development, and service activities as part of our national and international networks. Our university actively collaborates with local stakeholders in the region.

We have a long-standing tradition of research and development, as well as project partnerships. The core of our expertise lies in multidisciplinary knowledge and excellent understanding of the local business environment. We strongly emphasise sharing expertise and collaboration through tangible projects.

RDI publication

The publication features a diverse selection of articles that broadly examine the significance of research and development activities from a business perspective. The articles, written in both Finnish and English, cover fascinating projects ranging from the welfare economy to CDF modelling and branding.

Enjoy reading!

Explore the RDI publication on Theseus

RDI Activities

RDI Activities at VAMK

RDI Activities at VAMK

Vaasa University of Applied Sciences' Research, Development, and Innovation (RDI) activities are an integral part of the university's comprehensive mission and contribution to societal development.

Openness in VAMK

Openness in VAMK

At VAMK, we are committed to adhering to the principles of open science and research, and enhancing our expertise in open practices. We aim to engage in open societal dialogue and promote social impact and interaction.

Design Centre MUOVA

Design Centre MUOVA

MUOVA is an organisation for creative design operating under VAMK. Its specialty is innovative, market-driven design. MUOVA conducts research, develops design methods, and applies them to new challenges based on its experience and expertise.

VAMK’s Research, Development, and Innovation Platforms

These platforms serve as meeting points for research, businesses, communities, and public entities. They provide practical solutions for sustainable development, business models, well-being services, and smart living. The platforms operate in a phenomenon-based and multidisciplinary manner to ensure that fresh knowledge is rapidly and seamlessly put into practice.

Explore Our Research Platforms

Contact Us

Join us in collaboration and make an impact on the future of your region with us.

Daniel Sahebi

Leader of the Smart Business RDI Platform
+358 207 663 656

Tiina Rinta-Rahko

Leader of the Smart Industry RDI Platform
+358 207 663 657

Riku Niemistö

Leader of the Smart Society RDI
+358 207 663 396

Pertti Aula

Leader of the Smart Design RDI
+358 207 663 306

Marja-Riitta Vest

Director, RDI and Service Business
+358 207 663 500


Marja-Riitta Vest

Director, RDI and Service Business
+358 207 663 500

Sari Hudd

Senior RDI Specialist
RDI Services/PMO
+358 207 663 423

Minna Ritari

+358 207 663 421

Sirpa Loukiainen-Nygård

Senior RDI Specialist
RDI Services/PMO
+358 207 663 622

Niina Nikko

Financial Services Specialist
RDI Services/PMO
+358 20 7663345

Karna Dahal

Project Manager
RDI Services
+358 207 663 671

Tanja Davidov

Project Manager
RDI Services
+358 207 663 660

Loviisa Mäki-Julku

Project Planner
RDI Services/PMO
+358 207 663 655

Jaana Pullola

Program Manager
RDI Services
+358 50 477 9563

Sara Nyyssölä

Project Manager
RDI Services
+358 207663381

Kartik Sharma

Project Assistant
RDI Services

Jenna Puska

Service Business Manager
+358 50 472 4330

Iiro Hautala

Service Business Manager
+358 20 766 3391