Change as a motivator- Future working skills


  • Increased self-awareness improves the competitiveness as a job seeker. Recognizing the soft skills, allows to utilize them on the journey towards the desired goal in the working life.
  • Continuingto branding and customer-centricity moduleenables creating a brand that is aligned with company’s desired values
  • Digital skills module gives insights on the most important digitals skills and how to use them in the future working life

To you who

  • Targeted mostly for the ones working in oversupplied fields and the ones outside the work force 


After completion of this course, you will be able to recognize your soft and hard skills and know how to utilize them in the working life. You will understand the basics of customer centricity and branding to use them in your career. Recognize your digital skills and understand which skills need to be developed to be competitive.

Explore your strengths and develop the soft and hard skills to reach your goals!

The course consists of three separate components.

Mode of Teaching and Methods

  • Module 1) Soft studies module as contact teaching.
  • Modules 2 & 3) Branding, customer centricity and digital competences as self-paced online courses

Study Material

  • Module 1: Contact teaching, reading and homework
  • Module 2 & 3: Self-paced online learning in Moodle platform, reading and homework


Evaluation: Approved/Fail.

Schedule and Location

  • open for self-paced study in Moodle between 24.6-31.12.2024

More information about the course

Elise Raittila

Project Manager

Design Centre MUOVA | Muova | +358 207 663 320

More information about the course

If you have any questions regarding student IDs, fees, or cancellation terms, please contact

We reserve the right to make changes.

Module 1. Soft skills

Concentrates on recognizing student’s soft skills to utilize them in the working life. Big part of the studies is done in reflection with the other students and is therefore conducted as contact teaching

  • Soft skills as the superpower for the working life. Recognizing own soft skills and understanding their importance alongside with the hard skills.
  • Understanding and developing soft skills needed for the teamwork and co-operations. Understanding the importance of networks.
  • Utilizing self reflection to create a professional LinkedIn profile and application
Module 2. Customer centricity and branding

Module 2 (1 ECT- optional to Module 3) . Customer centricity and branding. Targeted mainly for the ones working as light entrepreneurs

  • Assessing the customer centiricty of one’s current approach. Creating a customer persona, empathy map and customer journey map basing to one’s own customer base.
  • Understanding working brand communication and statement. Building a plan to create a brand strategy.
Module 3. Digital skills and tools

Module 3 (1 ECT- optional to Module 2) . Digital skills and tools module is targeted for everybody interested in mapping and developing their own digital competences.

  • Assessing digital skills and the need to develop them
  • Getting to know digital tools such as AI from the co-operation, communication and knowledge seeking persectives.