Placing Student Experience at the Forefront

Vaasa University of Applied Sciences remained committed to purposeful development in 2023. Several development themes were advanced in both education and RDI activities. All these efforts support VAMK’s vision of being the main partner in expertise.

A positive student experience is crucial, and we work closely with students and industry to ensure that studying becomes an experience that also fosters a tight-knit and proud alumni community.

– Acting President and CEO Ville Isoherranen

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Key Figures

589 graduated students

Students' employment rate 88,3%

Menestyjä oranssi

24 degree programs

Henkilöstö oranssi

Teaching and administrative staff 181

Opiskelija oranssi

3 700 students

380 international students

Hakija fi oranssi1

3 530 applicants to Finnish degree programs

Hakija en oranssi1

12 640 applicants to English degree programs

82 international partners

330 publications

Vamk vuosikertomus tunnusluvut ikonit liikevoitto

Turnover 21 150 496,02 euros

Tki rahoitus oranssi

External financing of RDI activities 1 317 868 (4,4% rise)

Year 2023 was a Theme Year for Business Services

We started the year of business service development by mapping the current offerings in our business services. Business services have already been offered at VAMK for several years, but during the theme year, we focused on further developing our operations so that we could serve the needs of our region’s businesses and industry even better.

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Promises, Actions, and Impact – MUOVA at the Heart of Innovation for 35 Years

In 2023, VAMK’s design unit, MUOVA Design Center, celebrated its 35th anniversary. In this celebratory year, we challenged ourselves and our partners to join a collective IMPACT change campaign focusing on future makers.

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Highlights of the Year and Thematic Publications

The year saw various important openings, the most interesting being the West Coast  Collaboration with Turku UAS, VAMK, SAMK and Centria. The collaboration program 2023-2025 is funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture and aims at strengthening the expertise base of the West Coast and thereby support regional development. Also the launch of the Key Partnership Program was one of the key highlights of the year. At the end of the year 2023 annual thematic publications of research, development and innovation activities as well as pedagogic activities were published.

West Coast Cooperation

West Coast Cooperation

The goal of the west coast universities of applied sciences, is to deepen the cooperation built around digital manufacturing technology and robotics, as well as clean energy solutions. The aim is to strengthen the competence base of the west coast, thereby supporting regional development.

VAMK's Key Partnership Program

VAMK's Key Partnership Program

We offer businesses and organisations a unique opportunity to develop their operations responsibly, to attract the best talents and participate in top notch research, development and innovation activities.

Sustainable Development and Responsibility at VAMK in 2023

Sustainability is a natural part of Vaasa University of Applied Sciences’ operations and it permeates all of our activities as an entire university community. The ultimate purpose of sustainability is to ensure the well-being and safety of both our students and staff, promote the development of society and the working life, and cherish the environment and its carrying capacity.

Sustainability is about caring for each other, our environment, and our actions

In 2023, our sustainability priorities were strongly linked to further developing social responsibility, maintaining economic viability, and ensuring the achievement of our carbon neutrality goal. Humanity, equality, and ethics are prominently visible as part of our everyday operations. Our key objective is to be a student- and customer-centric, agile operator, as well as an increasingly close partner to a thriving working life.

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News highlights 2023

Financial statements 2023

The operating profit for the fiscal year 2023 was positive, and the overall result was also positive. The revenue increased by 7.0%, despite a decrease of 180,000 euros in state funding for higher education compared to the previous year.

”The financial statements for the year 2023 reflect a successful financial year. We managed to balance the finances and keep operations within budgetary limits. Notably, our investment activities improved, and we saw an increase in grant income and operating revenues. We continued to systematically develop both performance and an excellent student experience”, says Acting President and CEO Ville Isoherranen.

Read the annual statemenst 2023 (pdf in Finnish)