Internationalization as an Enabler of Growth for Rural Entrepreneurs

Project information:

Official name of the project: Kansainvälistyminen maaseutuyrittäjien kasvun mahdollistajana

Duration of the project: 1.1.2024 - 31.12.2025

Project coordinator: VUAS

Funding: Ruokavirasto

Budget: 219 448 €

Contact person in VAMK:

Tanja-Maria Davidov, Project Manager (Academic Services)

tel. +358 207 663 660,

RDI Platform: Smart City, Smart Industry

Language: Finnish

Project description

The sudden and unexpected changes in the business environment in recent years have had a significant impact on the operating conditions and competitiveness of micro and small and medium-sized enterprises in rural areas. In a context of change, renewal is essential to maintain competitiveness. In order to return to a new growth path, it is important that the strong know-how of the research, development and innovation organisations in the regions is better utilised in the future by the regions and rural enterprises. It is important that research knowledge is increasingly channelled to rural enterprises, that knowledge development effectively meets the needs of rural enterprises and that rural enterprises are aware of the training and networking opportunities available to women. Through training, research, development and networking, the project aims to promote the skills and competences of enterprises and their staff, as well as their capacity for change and growth, and hence internationalisation. Specific priorities will include identifying new growth paths, exploiting and training in new technologies, renewable energy options and digitalisation, identifying specialised skills in enterprises and expanding business-to-business networks through business group training. The project also aims to create the conditions for rural businesses to start and expand their internationalisation and export activities. The themes of the internationalisation training package are: designing an internationalisation and export strategy, conducting market surveys, testing products and services in the target market, sales, marketing and brand training and their implementation, and operational practices for exporting. The target group and the project area are rural micro- and small and medium-sized enterprises in the regions of Central Ostrobothnia and Ostrobothnia across municipal boundaries.


The aim of the project is to improve the capacity of the University of Applied Sciences to support innovation and education in rural SMEs and thereby find new growth paths both domestically and internationally, as well as cooperation between enterprises.


As a result of the project, the participating rural enterprises and their staff will be better able to adapt to and benefit from changes in their operating environment (change capacity) and to cope with future major changes. Through information sessions, sparring and training, rural enterprises have acquired new skills which they can use in their operations and development. As a result of the project, rural micro and small and medium-sized enterprises are more likely to recognise VAMK as a partner for the development of rural enterprises. In addition, the project has contributed to the green transition and sustainable development by providing participants with new knowledge, skills and networks through sparring and training. Central Ostrobothnia and Ostrobothnia is a network of business cooperation brokers and sparring partners from the University of Applied Sciences, which is expected to continue its activities and cooperation in the field of application and guidance of rural businesses after the project is completed.

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