Project information:

Official name of the project: Future Sustainable Energy Technologies in Africa: From Energy Conversion Systems to Storage Strategies

Duration of the project: 1.8.2024 - 31.12.2026

Project coordinator: VAMK

Funding: Team Finland Knowledge (TFK) programme, Finnish National Agency for Education

Budget: 63 926 €

Contact person in VAMK:

Joel Songok, Principal Lecturer (School of Technology)

tel. +358 207 663 398, joel.songok@vamk.fi

Project code: 183/342/2024

Language: English

Project description

The project brings together Higher Education institutions (HEIs), Vaasa University of Applied Sciences (VAMK) with Nordic climatic condition and Botswana International University of Science and Technology (BIUST) situated in the Kalahari Desert with the aim to build cooperation and collaboration in teaching of sustainable energy technologies, staff knowledge exchange and mobility as well as student mobility. In this project the joint activities have study units (where students will take courses in the host school), such as regular program courses and a joint intensive course capturing sustainable renewable energy will be taught. Student mobility supports students’ ability to network and learn in a different environment, deepen their fundamental and practical knowledge of renewable energy, and further build their university network. The project undertakes to utilise leading experts in co-teaching and co-supervision as well as to enhance the curriculum within renewable energy in the participating institutions which strengthens the quality of teaching. The approach is to educate and train the next generation students with understanding of sustainability, renewable energy technologies, and flexible energy system with energy storages. This would help them to be able to model, analyse, design, construct and implement systems for a green carbon free society and sustainable business practices.



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