Bachelor Degrees

Be bold – Adventure of a lifetime awaits you!

Cosy campus where you will feel right at home, lively student community, and trainee positions in top global companies will welcome you with open arms.

New friends, your first own flat and freedom. Interesting courses, internships and the feeling of signing a contract. With us, you’ll get to the most interesting companies and working life in Finland already during your studies.

VAMK is an international university with 4000 students, known for its sense of community, in the middle of Finland’s largest energy cluster.

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Separate application with SAT for Bachelor´s Degrees

Apply to study Information Technology or International Business 10.2.-25.4.2025 3pm

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Bachelor Degrees for International students

Bachelor Degree studies provide the student with a broad general knowledge and skills with relevant theoretical background for working as an expert. The curriculum includes basic and professional studies, elective studies, a practical training period, and a Bachelor’s thesis.

A Bachelor’s degree completed at a university of applied sciences consists of 210 or 240 credits (3 to 4 years of full-time study) depending on the study field. Bachelor’s degrees completed at universities of applied sciences are equal to other Finnish Bachelor’s degrees and give the same qualifications as them.

Bachelor Degree 240 ECTS
Energy Technology, Bachelor of Engineering

Energy Technology, Bachelor of Engineering

Implementation type

Full-time studies

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1.9.2025 -

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Enrollment in progress
Bachelor Degree 240 ECTS
Information Technology, Bachelor of Engineering

Information Technology, Bachelor of Engineering

Implementation type

Full-time studies

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10.2.2025 -

klo 08:00


klo 15:00

Enrollment in progress
Bachelor Degree 210 ECTS
International Business, BBA

International Business, BBA

Implementation type

Full-time studies

Next application

10.2.2025 -

klo 08:00


klo 15:00

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VAMK´s Bachelor Degree programs for international students are conducted full-time

What are full-time studies?

In full-time studies, teaching and guidance are primarily conducted on campus during weekdays and daytime hours. The curriculum also includes independent study, possibly some online courses with more flexible scheduling, as well as internships and thesis work as outlined in the curriculum.

Vaasa city

Why come to study in Vaasa?

Our university is located in the heart of Vaasa, which has more energy technology related companies than any other city in the Nordic countries. In our region, more than 160 companies work in the field of energy technology, and about 25 % of the employees of the Finnish energy sector work here. The overall turnover of these companies is about 5 billion euros annually, and therefore it is well justified to say that Vaasa keeps the wheels of Finland’s economy rolling!

It’s easy to be happy in Vaasa

A smooth-running daily life, well-being and happiness arise from good employment, a high level of education, well-functioning services, rich cultural offerings, a wide variety of recreational opportunities. Short distances make Vaasa an easy city to live in; everything essential is within a walking or cycling distance and traffic jams are rare.

The Sea

Is part of our everyday life and gives us strength. Our close proximity to Finland’s only UNESCO Natural World Heritage Site, the Kvarken Archipelago, offers us a perspective stretching far beyond the country’s borders.

Our Student stories

Information Technology
Marko Gogo Domingos Chissancho

Marko Gogo Domingos Chissancho

"I chose Finland because of its reputation for happiness and high quality of life. Vaasa felt familiar and cozy, reminding me of my hometown."

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Information Technology
Malika Taky

Malika Taky

Malika says that she appreciates the universities of applied sciences. Their concept is practical, and thus they give you a comprehensive spread of skills needed for your career.

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Information Technology
Robin Snellman

Robin Snellman

"Now I have found it to be a beautiful city. Not too big and not too small. Actually it’s quite perfect for students."

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International Business
Tho Le

Tho Le

"Finland is very popular among Asian students because studying is not your whole life. In Vietnam, for example, you must study so hard it is not good for your health."

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Information Technology
Melissa Gimenes Avarenga Ferrari

Melissa Gimenes Avarenga Ferrari

"I remember having a Finnish flag on my wall at the age of 14. It was kind of weird to be honest, since I did not know, I was going to end up studying in Finland."

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International Business
Jennica Lattunen

Jennica Lattunen

"Studying in an international programme has taught Jennica Lattunen a lot about foreign cultures. It will be useful as she enters the working life".

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Other study possibilities and ways to apply for degree programs

Path Studies

Path Studies

Path studies are an alternative route to a higher education degree. By completing path studies, you can graduate in the same amount of time as a student who started directly in degree studies. Learn more!

Apply at Studyinfo

Explore additional information about the dergree, admission criteria and eligibility requirements from Studyinfo. The application process for student admission also takes place on the

Transfer to Studyinfo