Are you interested in a career in business and international roles? – Study to become a business expert!

In our business administration studies, you will dive into sustainable and innovative business expertise, as well as solutions in international trade logistics – areas that will help you succeed in an international environment.

85% of our business students are employed within a year of graduation. – Join us and develop future business solutions!

Expertise for the needs of modern business

Whether your passion is an international business, logistics development, marketing, finance, legal administration, coding, or web service production, our education meets the needs of modern companies.

Network and enter the workforce during your studies

We collaborate closely with international companies, allowing you to start building your network and quickly enter the workforce while still studying.

Why study business administration in Vaasa?

Vaasa is home to Finland’s and all of Scandinavia’s most significant energy technology hubs, with many international export companies. The 160 companies in the hub export products and solutions worldwide and bring a significant portion of global energy investments to Finland.

Towards an international career on a multicultural campus

An international campus, exchange students, and guest lecturers will prepare you for future global roles.

Bachelor Degrees in Business

Enrollment in progress
Bachelor Degree 210 ECTS
International Business, BBA

International Business, BBA

Implementation type

Full-time studies

Next application

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Master Degree in Business - Master School

Enrollment in progress
Master Degree 90 ECTS
Project Management, Business

Project Management, Business

Implementation type

Blended Learning

Next application

10.2.2025 -

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Enrollment in progress
Master Degree 90 ECTS
International Business Management

International Business Management

Implementation type

Blended Learning

Next application

10.2.2025 -

klo 08:00


klo 15:00

We give you access to the most interesting companies and working life in Finland already during your studies

Vaasa is home to the most important energy technology hub in Finland and the Nordic countries, as well as a large number of international export companies. The 160 companies in the hub export products and solutions all over the world and repatriate a significant share of global energy investments to Finland. EnergyVaasa accounts for one third of all energy technology exports in Finland and employs one quarter of the total workforce in the sector.

Our location at the heart of global companies, guarantees our students a prime position for internships and jobs in the industry.

Students´ Voice

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“Studying IB at VAMK led me to become an International Marketing Trainee, Energy Academy Mentee, and Study in Finland’s Ambassador.”

– Khin Phyu Cyn Kyi, International Business

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“Career starts when your education starts. Start networking immediately when you arrive in Finland.

– Lukumanu Iddrisu, Graduate in International Business (BBA)