Separate Applications for Master´s Degrees

Selection Method

  • Eligible applicants are invited for an Online Group Interview. Student selection is made based on results from the Interview, min. 1 point, max. 5 points.


  • Project Management (Master of Business Administration) Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Business administration or Bachelor’s degree in Hospitality Management completed in Finland or an equivalent degree completed outside Finland gives eligibility to apply. Additionally, 24 months of work experience is required from a related field (business or tourism) from the date of award of Bachelor’s degree.
  • Project Management (Master of Engineering) Bachelor’s or Master´s degree in engineering completed in Finland or an equivalent degree completed outside Finland gives eligibility to apply. The work experience requirement is 24 months after graduation in the subsequent field.
  • International Business Management (Master of Business Administration) Bachelor´s or Master´s degree in Business Administration or Bachelor in Hospitality Management completed in Finland or equivalent bachelor or master degree completed outside Finland gives eligibility to apply. Additionally, a Finnish post-secondary or higher vocational level diploma in a corresponding field completed in Finland gives eligibility.  24 months of work experience required from a related field (business) from the date of award of Bachelor’s degree or Finnish post-secondary or higher vocational level diploma.

Work Experience

In order to be eligible, applicants must have two years of work experience accumulated from the date of award of the final degree certificate and obtained no later than 31 July for the spring application period and no later than 31 December for the autumn application period.

Universities of applied sciences also accept work experience obtained after completion of a post-secondary or higher vocational level diploma in Finland (in any field of education) but prior to taking the higher education degree. In such cases, too, at least two years of work experience obtained in a relevant field is required.

Entrepreneurship will be accepted as work experience if an applicant can produce a certificate attesting that he or she is or has been covered under the statutory YEL or MYEL pension scheme (YEL = statutory pension scheme for entrepreneurs; MYEL = statutory pension scheme for farmers, forest estate owners, fishers and reindeer herders and their family members). Enterprising activities abroad should be substantiated with comparable official documents.

Do you have an SAT, GMAT or GRE result?

Are you interested in the Bachelor´s degree instead?