YoungTalk24: International Talents and SMEs Meet in the Spirit of Co-Creation in Vaasa

YoungTalk24: International Talents and SMEs Meet in the Spirit of Co-Creation in Vaasa

An exciting event is on the horizon for Vaasa, as on 6 August 2024, the fifth YoungTalk event “International Talents and SMEs: An Evening of Solutions in the Spirit of Co-Creation” will be held at the Wasa Innovation Center. This event promises to be a pivotal gathering for entrepreneurs, professionals, and international talents and students in the region. The evening will highlight the critical role of international expertise in the growth and innovation of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

The YoungTalk event is held for the fifth time and this year’s theme builds upon last year’s discussions on the challenges of recruitment. The main speakers from different industries and areas of expertise will be answering the question: How to develop Ostrobothnia in order to attract and retain international talents?

Importance of the Theme in Today’s World

The theme of this event, “International Talents and SMEs: An Evening of Solutions in the Spirit of Co-Creation,” underscores the vital role that international talents play in the development and growth of SMEs. In a globalized economy, the ability to attract and retain international expertise is crucial for fostering innovation, expanding market reach, and enhancing competitiveness. This event aims to address these challenges and provide actionable solutions to ensure that Vaasa, and Ostrobothnia at large, remain attractive and supportive environments for international talents and entrepreneurs.

The event is part of the Ready for Talents project, which is funded by Regional Council of Ostrobothnia. The project will utilize the event’s results in developing an app which is designed to test the skills and readiness related to attracting, recruiting, and settling international talents in SMEs. The key findings are also highlighted in a podcast series that will be created by the international talents.

Last year focused on the challenges of recruitment

The YoungTalk 2024 event is a direct follow-up to last year’s event. The 2023 event focused on the recruitment challenges of international talent, laying the groundwork for a joint solutions between employers and international talent. The labour shortage in Finland, the need for international talent, and the government’s stricter policies for international talent are themes that were not only prominent at the 2023 event but whose impacts are also evident this year.

The event was seen as a channel of communication between international talent and Finnish companies.

“I think YoungTalk is of huge importance as it serves as a vital forum for promoting contacts between talents and companies. This event facilitates a seamless way for companies to learn about the potential of international candidates, which can lead to the recruitment of diverse talent,” said Sabbir Bhuiyan, moderator of the 2023 event.

Laila Fe Balinggan, who was co-moderator last year and will be a speaker this year, echoed the same sentiments: “I consider Youngtalk to be vital, as it is an important platform that provides an invaluable opportunity for young people to connect with decision-makers to connect, collaborate and unlock the huge potential that collaboration brings.”

The key themes of the event covered a range of topical recruitment issues from the perspective of both international talent and companies. The discussions reflected the uncertainties, challenges and responsibilities of potential employers and talent alike.

For example, in Theme 1: “How to overcome the challenges to be employed in SMEs?”, issues such as increasing visa flexibility, improving skills, understanding work culture and hackathon style practical job interviews emerged. Theme 2 “The success stories in hiring foreign employees” covered topics such as equal working conditions and wages, job ownership, attitude, enthusiasm and the use of apprenticeships. Theme 3 “Perspectives of Young Talents and SMEs on how Finnish language affects employment” discussed how experience, attitude and language skills go hand in hand.

Last year’s speakers included Joakim Strand, Member of Parliament and Minister for European Affairs and Ownership Steering from Vaasa, Tuomas Saikkonen, CEO of Vilpe, Hagar Elbarbary, MOOC Project Manager at Hanken and Arshed Iqbal, Scientific Researcher at the Department of Marketing and Communication at the University of Vaasa.

Event Schedule and Highlights

The event kicks off at 16:15 with a networking session titled “Get out of your own bubble,” encouraging attendees to mingle and share ideas. The formal proceedings begin at 16:45 with welcoming words and a review of YoungTalk23 by moderators Khin Phyu Cyn Kyi, Kartik Sharma, and Sara Nyyssölä, the Project Manager for Ready for Talents.

The event will feature several prominent speakers who will address key themes related to the attraction and retention of international talents in Ostrobothnia:

Get Inspired: How to Develop Ostrobothnia to Attract and Retain International Talents?

  • Joakim Strand (Minister for European Affairs and Ownership Steering)
  • Emilia Lidsle (Ostrobothnia Chamber of Commerce, Glocal Talents)
  • Mikko Pohjola (Kempower)
  • Shariful Islam Chowdhary (VEO), sharing his success story as an international talent in an SME

At 17:30, the co-creation segment will begin, offering moments of interaction with the audience and fostering discussions around solutions.

Theme 1: Young Talent’s/Entrepreneur’s Perspectives: The Future of Work: Enhancing Ostrobothnia’s Business Landscape with International Expertise

  • Pitch Talk: Laila Fe Balinggan (Design and Disrupt)
  • Solution Discussion at the Tables

Laila Fe Balinggan emphasizes the importance of showing young talents in Vaasa that they have options. “My goal is to show young talents in Vaasa that they have options. If they want to pursue entrepreneurship, there are resources and guidance available,” she states. Laila further adds, “But more importantly, I want them to know they are not alone. The entrepreneurial journey can be isolating, but it doesn’t have to be. We can create a supportive community where young entrepreneurs can thrive. Besides, the future of work isn’t just about fitting into existing moulds anyway – the future of work is about creating new ones.”

Theme 2: SME’s Perspectives: Success Stories in Hiring Foreign Employees

  • Pitch Talk: Jakob Wikström (Wikström Media)
  • Solution Discussion at the Tables

Jakob Wikström, who has successfully integrated international talents into his business, shares his insights: “We have hired several international talents over the years, and it has helped us in many ways; we have gained special expertise, but it has also benefited the process of developing even better ideas and marketing concepts.” He continues, “I dare say that international talents can be essential if you want to grow beyond a certain point, especially if part of that growth is abroad.”

At 19.25 there is a short introduction to Vaasa for All Ry.

Following a short break at 19:30, the event will resume with:

Theme 3: Solutions to International Talents Recruitment to SMEs

  • Pitch Talk: Maija Aarnio (Rannikko-Pohjanmaan Yrittäjät)
  • Solution Discussion at the Tables

The evening will conclude with a recap on “Solutions on the table – how to proceed,” moderated by Khin Phyu Cyn Kyi and Kartik Sharma, wrapping up at 21:15.

Before YoungTalk, the day also includes a Panel Discussion by Vaasa Spouse Program (9.30-11.30) and a presentation by Vaasa International Talents (13-14.30).

What is YoungTalk?

YoungTalk is an event organised by Vaasa University of Applied Sciences with Novia University, Vaasa University and International Talents as part of the annual Wasa Future Festival. It is designed for international talents and companies in the Vaasa region. For international talents, the event is an opportunity to make a difference, and it is also a chance to network with companies and other talents. It gives companies the opportunity to meet international talents, hear about their experiences and find ways to improve their recruitment processes and working environment.

The aim of the event is to bring companies and international talents together to generate new ideas and solutions to promote recruitment opportunities for international talents and to develop Vaasa and its environment to attract talents. YoungTalk aims to make the Vaasa region more globally attractive to talent and companies, thereby supporting the economic growth and competitiveness of the region.


For more information, please contact

Marja-Riitta Vest

Director, RDI and service business
+358 207 663 500

Sara Nyyssölä

Project manager, Ready for Talents
+358 207663381

