VAMK’s engineering education is being developed in close collaboration with industry

VAMK’s engineering education is being developed in close collaboration with industry

Vaasa University of Applied Sciences organised an event for various working life stakeholders to discuss about the need to update the curriculum for engineering degree programmes. The goal is to ensure that graduating students’ skills align with industry demands and to improve their employability.

VAMK continually develops its degree programmes to meet modern challenges in collaboration with the industry. This collaboration ensures that graduating experts are prepared to meet the evolving skill requirements of the job market. Practically, this involves close cooperation with businesses and organisations in the Vaasa region to plan and update curricula.

Vaasa University of Applied Sciences’ School of Technology hosted a meeting with companies in the Vaasa area on October 29, 2024. The purpose of the event was to specifically discuss the content of engineering curricula and the need for updates. Representatives from various companies gathered at the Palosaari campus to work on new curriculum developments.

Head of the Technology Unit, Ville Isoherranen, who opened the event, sees the networking meeting as a vital part of continuous interaction with companies.

“Work-life-oriented curricula are the core of studies in a university of applied sciences. This way, we ensure good employment prospects for our students, who gain essential knowledge of the needs of local industries and companies during their studies,” says Isoherranen.

From the companies’ perspective, concrete cooperation is valuable and something they want to invest in.

“At Danfoss, we have a specific need for engineers trained in Vaasa, as it provides us with the continuity and stability we desire. Participating in curriculum development is important to us because it allows us to ensure that future curricula continue to meet our needs,” explains Janne Pakkala, People Leader at Danfoss Drives.

As a base for the curriculum development and the industry network meeting, a survey to companies was conducted. The survey received nearly 90 responses from local businesses. Responses came from approximately 20 companies across 15 industries, with 49 responses from large companies and 61 from companies active in international markets. Among respondents, 75 percent have over ten years of experience in their field.

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EngineeringSchool of Technologycollaboration