Vaasa University of Applied Sciences strengthened its level of open science – The results of the 2024 AVOTT monitoring are a sign of long-term work
The results of the 2024 AVOTT follow-up survey were published on October 30th, highlighting the significant progress made by the Vaasa University of Applied Sciences in the development of open science and research. VAMK improved its performance in all areas of the AVOTT survey.
This year, VAMK achieved the highest level of open science and research, which is level five (5). This improvement is substantial compared to the level two (2) from 2022. The increase is significant nationally, as the average openness level across all universities of applied sciences in the 2024 survey is currently level four (4) ( portal, 2024). The highest level achieved by VAMK is an accomplishment that demonstrates the results of the institution’s long-term efforts to promote open science and places it at the forefront of the Finnish university of applied sciences sector.
VAMK’s scores improved in the following areas: organizational culture from level 3 to level 5, publishing from level 4 to level 5, and data and infrastructures from level 3 to level 5. The most significant improvement occurred in the learning area, where VAMK raised its score from level 1 to level 5. For comparison, the average level increase for other universities was one or two levels, which highlights the exceptional nature of VAMK’s progress at the national level (AVOTT follow-up 2024).
The table of open science and research showing VAMK’s development by area. Source:
The VAMK ATT working group’s long-term efforts to promote open science and research have yielded significant results, and the development is a direct result of the group’s systematic focus, particularly on VAMK’s key growth areas: learning and infrastructure. While the average openness level across universities has increased, the development of VAMK’s four areas demonstrates a strong commitment to the values and principles of open science.
Promoting openness has required careful and well-considered decisions. Key objectives moving forward include the development of digital solutions that support learning and the improvement of data accessibility. VAMK’s success reflects the collective efforts of the entire higher education sector to increase the accessibility of open science and learning. The goal is to provide broader learning opportunities and information to an international audience as well.
General Development of Open Science
The general results of the 2024 AVOTT follow-up survey show that openness has increased within the higher education sector. According to the survey, about two-thirds of all universities and half of the universities of applied sciences have achieved a higher openness level than before, marking significant progress compared to previous years (Open Science, 2024). The commitment of higher education institutions to open science is also reflected in the high response rate of the survey: 92% of research institutions, 93% of universities, and a full 100% of universities of applied sciences responded.
In practice, this means that more and more universities are offering their researchers tools and resources to promote open publishing and data sharing. Common practices have been developed, particularly for the management of research data, and many institutions have established open science working groups. The goal of these actions is to create long-term structures that support openness and enhance the international competitiveness of Finnish research. In the coming years, practices that promote open science are expected to diversify and become more firmly established.
Although the AVOTT follow-up shows clear progress, it also highlights areas that need further development. For example, the long-term preservation of research data and inter-institutional collaboration still require attention and resources.
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Marja-Riitta Vest
Johtaja, TKI ja palveluliiketoiminta
+358 50 577 3121