Temasek Polytechnic from Singapore visited VAMK

Temasek Polytechnic from Singapore visited VAMK

A delegation from Temasek Polytechnic in Singapore visited Vaasa University of Applied Sciences on Friday, May 17, 2024. During the visit, the delegation met with VAMK’s leadership team and familiarised themselves with the activities of Technobothnia teaching and research laboratory.

Related to Vaasa University of Applied Sciences’ thematic year of internationalisation, VAMK is actively seeking to enhance and deepen collaboration with international partner universities. Temasek Polytechnic has been a partner of VAMK for several decades, and during the meeting held at VAMK on May 17, 2024, opportunities to further increase and deepen inter-university cooperation were discussed. The visit included also a visit to Technobothnia, one of the most modern teaching and research laboratories in the Nordic countries, that is co-owned by VAMK,University of Vaasa and Swedish Novia UAS.

”It’s great that our partner universities are interested in visiting VAMK. We have had student exchanges with Temasek Polytechnic for a long time, but it would be interesting to also engage in collaborative projects in the future”, says VAMK’s Head of International Affairs Tuija Tammi.

In the meeting VAMK was represented by RDI Director Marja-Riitta Vest and Director of School of Technology Mira Grönvall. Also Heads of Degree Programs in Technology and RDI Platform Leaders we present as well as Project Managers from current energy technology projects were present.

Temasek was represented by Mr Paul Yap, Director of Student Development and Alumni Affairs, Ms Gail Goodenough, Assistant Director, School of Design, Ms Ng Qihui, Manager of Student Development and Alumni Affairs and Ms Zara Choo, Assistant Manager, School Clubs & Service Learning , Student Development & Alumni Affairs.

”Temasek Polytechnnic is a valued partner. We have a lot in common both in terms of degrees and research, and our goal moving forward is to collaborate more closely, especially in the areas related to energy technology”, tells Mira Grönvall, Director of School of Technology, VAMK.


internationalisationSchool of Technologyrdi