Science library Tritonia opening hours in summer

Science library Tritonia opening hours in summer

Tritonia Academic Library is open the whole summer, except for the last two weeks in July (floor renovation). During the renovation you can´t access the library with the key. Loans will not fall due during that time.

The library is open as follows:

Mon-Fri 8-16: 1.6.-14.7. and 31.7.-18.8.  

closed: 17.7.-30.7.                                            

You can contact the loans service by email at loans(at) throughout the summer and the library chat will also be available in June, in July where possible and in August.

Interlibrary loans services, acquisition and Book a tutorial -service are closed in July.

P.S. You can order the access key from the university online.

Take a closer look on library´s website

We wish you a sunny summer!

