Gogo – state-of-the-art mobile robot named through a contest

Gogo – state-of-the-art mobile robot named through a contest

A state-of-the-art mobile robot acquired by Vaasa University of Applied Sciences this autumn has been named Gogo. The name was chosen through a contest held at the Studia fair in late November, where Gogo also made its public debut on MTV3’s Morning Television.

Gogo is primarily used in mechanical engineering education at Technobothnia, a teaching and research laboratory co-owned by VAMK. It can also be utilised in the teaching of other fields of technology as well.

“Gogo describes well the movement of the robot, it just continues going on. The name is also brief enough and works well in all languages. Once the robotic dog gains more intelligence, it will be a snappy name for giving commands,” says Mika Billing, Senior Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering at VAMK.

Gogo was purchased as part of the Next Generation Technobothnia investment project, funded through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) via the Regional Council of Ostrobothnia. The project aims at upgrading Technobothnia’s equipment to better meet future educational needs.

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mechanical engineeringRoboticsTechnobothnia