Free and guided body care activity on campus for students in the spring
Free and guided body care activity on campus for students and staff in the spring
ALMA academy, in cooperation with the Make a Break project, organizes body care activities for the university of Vaasa’s and Vaasa applied sciences students and staff on campus. All classes are low-threshold in nature and free of charge.
Tuesday morning, join us for good morning bodycare session. Wake yourself up and gather energy to the day. A gentle and calm class that increases body control and mobility. The class combines different mobility and strength movements as well as stretching.
On Tuesday afternoons, class is gentle and calm, which increases body control and mobility. The class combines different mobility and strength movements and stretches from different types of yoga and Pilates. The class concludes with a short relaxation session. Classes are open to students and staff. You do not need an exercise sticker to participate. It would be good to bring your own mat for the classes if you have one.
What: Body care activity on campus for students and staff of both VAMK and VY
Where: VAMK (Peilisali F176)
When: Starting 4.2. Tuesdays 8.30-9.15 am & 4.15-5 pm. Morning class is not held during week 9, February 25th.
More information, changes and updates to classes can be found in the sports calendar.